Sixth Form Dress Code

At Bournside we expect the highest standards from our Sixth Form students, starting with their personal presentation. As role models for students in the main school, we expect our Sixth Form students to be dressed smartly at all times, taking pride in their appearance and their school. The dress code guidelines below, updated in September 2023, outline our expectations to ensure that students feel part of our community, are ready to learn, and make the best impression to everyone they meet.

- Mr Warrren, Head of Sixth Form

*Please note: After enrolment you will be emailed to confirm which house you have been allocated to, and therefore which house tie you should purchase. In most cases, students progressing from Main School will remain in the same house.

Sixth Form Dress Code 2023/24

Sixth Form Dress Code 2023/24 (Visual Guidance)

We are purposefulWe are proudWe are respectfulWe are ambitiousWe are curiousWe are supportive