Latest News from the Sixth Form
Latest news
- School Awards 2023
Senior House Captains 2023/24
A Level students celebrate fantastic results and new destinations
Cheltenham Paint Festival collaboration achieves the impossible!
Sixth Form research project highly commended in the UK Junior Water Prize 2023 - Cheltenham Bournside School
Student Ministries relaunched to aid a strong student voice - Cheltenham Bournside School
'Jazz it Up' at Cheltenham Jazz Festival - Cheltenham Bournside School
Sister Act cast and crew take audiences to heaven with 'best school production' yet! - Cheltenham Bournside School
Students showcase best of Cheltenham Bournside Sixth Form - Cheltenham Bournside School
A sixth form with a strong sense of community - Cheltenham Bournside School
Pupil welfare and academic achievement is at the heart of Cheltenham Bournside School community, says Ofsted
Introducing our Senior House Captains for 2022/23
University and careers fair
'Inspire Lecture Series' launches with Nathan Lake
School Awards 2022
Sixth Form students celebrate record breaking exam results
Outstanding academic achievement and progress marked with new Honours boards
Sport Awards 2022 - Cheltenham Bournside School
Young Enterprise Team scoop award for Best Company
Cast and crew 'blow audiences away' with outstanding production of Joseph
Sixth Form Music Evening
100+ students kickstart their Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition training
Joining our Sixth Form
St Matthew's Church Christmas Concert
A level student, Finn, invited to join GB Training Squad
Sixth Form students take artistic inspiration from London Galleries
Senior sport relaunched with new kit and renewed ambition
Alex Chalk MP officially opens new Pitstop Sixth Form Cafe
Introducing our 2021/22 Senior House Captains
A level students achieve top tier University places and higher degree apprenticeships
Social media snapshots
We are supportiveWe are proudWe are purposefulWe are curiousWe are ambitious