Sixth Form Admissions

Applying to Cheltenham Bournside Sixth Form

Applications to join Cheltenham Bournside School are now open. The closing date for applications is 9.00am, Monday 24th February 2025. 

Please note that all Sixth Form applications received after the published deadline will be treated as a late application.

Please note, if you are already a student at Cheltenham Bournside School, you will receive a registration link to your school email.

NEW Sixth Form Course Guide - September 2025 entry

2025 entry application timeline

Key dates for your diary:

Thursday 23rd January Sixth Form Open Evening. Online applications go live.
Monday 24th February, 9.00am Deadline for Cheltenham Bournside School Sixth Form applications.
February - May  Applicants are invited for tours/course discussions and conditional offers are made.
June - July Acceptance deadline. Enrolment information is shared, including details about the uniform and the start of term.

*Please note our Year 12 Induction Day is Wednesday 25th June, 2025. 
August GCSE results published
Early September Welcome to Cheltenham Bournside Sixth Form.


Option A

Option B

Option C

Option D

Option E

Business Studies Chemistry Art Photography Biology Art 3D
English Lang & Lit English Lit Biology Business Studies Business Studies
Food Preparation Fine Art Criminology Business Vocational Film Studies
Art Graphics History Computing Criminology Geography
Sport BTEC IT BTEC Economics Dance History
Media Studies Mandarin Geography English Lit Health and Social Care
Physical Education Music Technology German French Maths
Physics Physics Maths Further Maths Music
Psychology  Philosophy and Ethics Product Design Govt and Politics Sociology
Theatre Studies Sociology Psychology  Psychology  Spanish 
  Textiles Philosophy and Ethics    

You might find it useful to read our useful Account Registration Guides below. 



Sixth Form entry criteria 2024/25

At Bournside we invest a significant amount of time in ensuring that both internal and external students applying to our Sixth Form are well-suited to their chosen subjects.

We offer three pathways, designed to help you choose a selection of subjects that will help you to reach your future goals:

Pathway 1

Studying 3 or 4 A levels

Entry criteria is at least a grade 4 in Mathematics and English Language or Literature and at least a grade 5 in your chosen subject.

To study 4 A-levels, entry criteria is at least a grade 4 in Mathematics and English Language or Literature and at least a grade 5 in your in your chosen subject. PLUS an average GCSE points score of 7.0 or above.

Pathway 2

Studying 3 BTEC courses

Entry criteria is at least a grade 4 in Mathematics and English Language or Literature and at least a grade 4 in 3 related GCSEs.

Pathway 3

Studying a combination of BTEC courses and A levels

Entry criteria is at least a grade 4 in Mathematics and English Language or Literature and a bespoke offer of grade 4s and grade 5s depending on examination results.


Year 13 progression criteria

In order to progress successfully from Year 12 into Year 13, you need to have displayed adequate progress on your programme of study. Your place in Year 13 will be evaluated at the end of Year 12, and your attitude to learning, attendance, and progress across the year will inform your successful progression into Year 13.

Cheltenham Bournside School reserves the right to refuse progression into Year 13 based on any of these factors. If we decide that it is not in your best interest, an alternative offer will be made.

Overseas applicants

For students wishing to join us who are currently being educated overseas or who have been educated overseas, you will need to get a Statement of Comparability from the following website: Home Page (

The Statement of Comparability will enable us to assess your current qualifications to ensure that you meet the current entry requirements of our Sixth Form. The Statement of Comparability will need to be acquired through this website and sent to us before you are given any offer of a place in our Sixth Form.

16 - 19 Bursary

Did you know that you can apply for a bursary to help with education-related costs? 

The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education. There are two types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

Vulnerable Bursary

For students in one or more of the defined vulnerable groups:

  • in care
  • care leavers
  • getting Income Support (IS) or Universal Credit (UC) in their own right
  • in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments in their own right, as well as Employment Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit (UC) in their own right.

The school can apply on your behalf through the Student Bursary Support Service.

Discretionary Bursary

A discretionary bursary that institutions may award to meet individual needs, for example: transport, meals, books and equipment. Cheltenham Bournside School will decide which students are supported by the discretionary bursary based on:

  • students whose parents or carers claim benefits or income support
  • students who may need to overcome individual barriers to school participation.

To apply, please complete the application form and return to Mrs Rudge-Wills.

16 to 19 Bursary Fund: Overview - GOV.UK (

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