Media Studies

The fundamental questions around the role of the media are addressed through this A Level course.

The ever-changing complexity of the media landscape is studied through a theoretical framework based around the core concepts of media language, representation, media industries and audiences.

A contextual element is applied to the above, often developing comparative skills relative to different texts. The texts studied consist of advertising and marketing; film industry; music video; newspapers; radio; video games; television; magazines; online/social media.

There is a heavy emphasis on practical work – you will use skills in DTP and Moving Image to produce a sequence from a new television programme – putting your analytical skills into practice. There is an engagement with theory embedded in all aspects of the course, developing analytical skill in tandem with practical work.


Film and Media students have the opportunity to get involved with the Cineyouth project, working in collaboration with the Cheltenham International Film Festival and industry professionals.

Media Studies is a launchpad into a range of careers and higher education opportunities in the media and entertainment industry – one with a projected worth of £80 billion to the UK economy by 2023.

WJEC Eduqas

Grade 5 in GCSE Media Studies or in an English or humanities-based GCSE.

70% examination30% practical non-examined assessment.


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