
If you enjoyed GCSE Mathematics and you like problem-solving, this is the course for you.

Many topics build on previous work at GCSE such as sequences, quadratics and trigonometry, whilst differentiation and integration provide interesting and stimulating new material to study.

Throughout the course you will tackle challenging problems that will develop your ability to think logically and help you become an independent learner. A Level Mathematics provides a good grounding for those who take A Levels in Science, Geography, Design Technology, Business, Economics, and Psychology.

Career opportunities are many and varied: accountancy, actuarial work, architecture, astronomy, banking, building societies, computing, economics, engineering, hospital administration, insurance, market research, quantity surveying, and teaching.


Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics.

3 externally assessed calculator examinations, each 2 hours in length. Candidates will sit 2 pure papers and 1 applied.


You might also be interested in: Further Mathematics - Biology - Chemistry - Physics  - Economics 
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