English Literature

Our A Level English Literature course is for lovers of books, plays and poetry.

Travel with us on a literary journey, from romantic poets like Byron to modern-day classics; from Renaissance ideas in Shakespeare to contemporary philosophy and social issues in a modern novel. You could be delving into true crime, or scaring yourself silly with a modern ghost story. 

You will navigate modern poetry alongside iconic drama texts. You will explore how texts reflect the time in which they were written, how themes and ideas travel across different texts and times, and how you can use critical theory to develop your own ideas.

To study literature is to study the world and humanity in miniature. With a wealth of texts on offer and the freedom to select the fiction or non-fiction texts of your choice in your coursework, there will be plenty of chances to discover something you love!

English graduates do things as diverse as working in law, design and technology, computing, journalism, accountancy, publishing, TV, music, education, retail, catering, and writing.


Grade 5 in both English Language and English Literature.

80% exam-based with 3 exam papers: drama, prose and poetry. 20% coursework: a 2,500-3,000 word critical comparison of 2 significant literary texts.


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