Design and Technology: Fashion and Textiles

Fashion and Textiles provides students with an opportunity to develop design and manufacturing skills in a creative and innovative way. Students will be required to manufacture high-quality products and prototypes to meet a specific need or consumer group. The product may suit the client's need in the home or as a fashion item.

It is an exciting course, which will allow students to become aware of the place of design in society and the influences that designers have in the world in which we live. There will be opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities, e.g. designing and making garments, and trips out of school to the Clothes Show Live and London Fashion College's Graduate Show.

Fashion and Textiles is an excellent choice for anyone considering a career in any field of textile design, fashion design, teaching, interior design, soft furnishing, product merchandising and manufacturing. 


Grade 5 or equivalent pass in a design technology or art-based subject, or entry portfolio if not studied at GCSE.

This course consists of a written exam worth 50% and an extended ‘design and make’ project (of approximately 80 hours) worth 50%.


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