Art Photography

If you enjoy capturing moments and details from the world around you, or designing complex digital experiments, then this course is for you. You will learn photographic skills and key concepts but outcomes and portfolio development may go into physical or digital manipulation (graphic style work) or even video.

The A Level Photography course is taught within the Art Department: a suite of rooms with access to specialist photographic studio equipment, dedicated studio space, and digital manipulation software. Students will examine themes such as portraiture and identity, textures, structures, video, gif and special effects, as well as more conceptual projects.

In Year 12, students undertake an intensive period of creative experimental study under the guidance of specialist tutors and develop a personal response to a range of written and visual starting points, briefs and stimuli.

In Year 13, students may specialise in their strongest area of interest, developing a highly personal direction, supported by tutors. The practical elements are supported by a written related study in which students explore the artists who have influenced them. A wider appreciation is developed via gallery and location visits locally, nationally and internationally.

This course is designed for students who wish to study A Level Photography with ambitions to pursue photography as a career, and those who simply wish to explore the creative possibilities of digital photography.

This course is designed for students who wish to study A Level Photography with ambitions to pursue photography as a career, and those who simply wish to explore the creative possibilities of digital photography.


Students must have achieved a grade 5 in a related art/design subject,. If not previously studied, students may demonstrate their suitability through a portfolio of work and liaison with the Head of Art.

There is no written exam and all work is produced in art studio conditions.


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