Art 3D Design
If you enjoy creating objects in three dimensions then this course is for you. The course provides an excellent foundation for further study or careers in fashion, architecture, 3D design and sculpture amongst others. You will explore how to construct forms in a range of materials, learn how to take work from initial sketches and concept designs though to final 3D outcomes.
Students are able to engage with a series of creative coursework projects exploring themes such as the figures, structures and natural forms. Visual awareness and creativity are developed via making and presenting ideas in a range of media such as glass, resin, clay, wire and textiles.
In Year 12, students undertake an intensive foundation period of creative study under the guidance of specialist tutors, exploring a range of experimental techniques, developing skills and ideas and learning how to analyse artwork. Students gain the confidence to choose a theme of personal interest to develop independently using the facilities in the art department. Art teachers are always available for advice and will give regular critiques of students work.
In Year 13, students further refine their strongest area of interest, developing a highly personal direction supported by the tutors. There are a number of opportunities for gallery visits, trips abroad and a regular figure drawing class for all A level students along with access to a wide range of facilities. The practical elements are supported by a written related study in which the student explores the artists that have influenced them. Students combine their knowledge and understanding to support their coursework portfolio. Outcomes in recent years have included costume, sculpture, installation and animation models.