Our School Awards

At Bournside, we are proud of our students and we believe in celebrating and rewarding the effort and success of our inspiring school community. We do this in a number of ways:

House Heroes

House Hero status is awarded to students in Years 7-11 in recognition of excellent attendance, progress and attitude to learning. House Heroes are awarded a metal pin badge to highlight their achievement.

Gold House Heroes are invited to the annual Student Awards Evening in celebration of their continued positive contribution to the life of the school.

House Hero awards criteria:

Bronze House Hero
  • Three or more 'exceptional' grades for learning attitude and no 'below expected standard' gradings
  • 50% - 'Likely to exceed' target grade
  • A positive attendance record
Silver House Hero
  • Five or more 'exceptional' grades for learning attitude and no 'below expected standard' gradings
  • 60% - 'Likely to exceed' target grade
  • A positive attendance record
Gold House Hero
  • Seven or more 'exceptional' grades for learning attitude and no 'below expected standard' gradings 
  • 70% - 'Likely to exceed' target grade
  • A positive attendance record

Subject Awards

Subject Awards are awarded to one student in each year group (in Years 7 -13) in every subject, at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer term. Students are nominated for a Subject Award by teaching staff.

Recipients of a Subject Award are awarded a metal pin badge to highlight their achievement and individual certificates are displayed in departmental areas.

House Point Recognition 

At Bournside, we recognise and reward positive behaviour, both inside and outside of the classroom, through our House Points System. Students might receive House Points for exceptional effort or perseverance in a lesson, meeting or exceeding an academic target, supporting others with learning, leading group work, excellent presentation, participation in an event, reading, participation in a House Competition or another positive behaviour recognised by staff. Parents and carers can view House Points awarded via ClassCharts.

At the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer term, students in Years 7-10 with the most House Points are invited to a celebration event in recognition of their positive behaviour and their contribution to school life. 

Previous celebration events have included climbing and archery at the Cheltenham Ladies College, and enjoyable afternoons at Hollywood Bowl and the 270 Climbing Park. These events provide students with a fantastic opportunity to socialise in a fun and enjoyable environment with other students from their year group.

School Awards 

Each year, nearly 300 students and their families come together in magnificent surroundings to celebrate the Cheltenham Bournside School Awards where the outstanding academic achievement and academic progress of our senior (Year 11 leavers) and graduate (Year 13 leavers) students is celebrated. In 2022, guests were joined at the Pittville Pump Rooms by mountaineer guest speaker, Kenton Cool, and alumni guest, Ben Glynn, former professional rugby player and financial advisor.

"This is the proudest moment of a Headteacher's year: an evening in which the school celebrates the very best of what it means to be a Bournsider. The names we'll hear are the names of our most successful students. The success won't have come easily. As Theodore Roosevelt said, "nothing worth having comes easy," and it's precisely because it's not easy that success is such a cause for celebration." - Headteacher, Mr Jefferies

Read more: School Awards 2022 - Cheltenham Bournside School

Save the date: The 2022/23 Student Awards Evening will take place on Tuesday 21st December at the Parabola Arts Centre.

Sports Awards

Each year, during the summer term, the sporting effort, talent and achievement of our students is celebrated in front of a packed and proud audience. In July 2022, guests were joined by guest of honour, Lewis Ludlow, Gloucester Rugby Player.

"Our Sports Awards shine a light on the finest sportspeople and the dedication of everyone involved in sport at Bournside School. It is a real highlight of the academic year and the team are incredibly proud of our students. Go Team Bournside!" - Mr Winterbottom, Head of Physical Education

Read more: Sport Awards 2022 - Cheltenham Bournside School

Duke of Edinburgh Awards 

Last, but not least, each year we celebrate the incredible achievements of the students who have completed a Duke of Edinburgh Award at Bronze, Silver and Gold level.

In 2022, we celebrated the achievement of more than 120 students, with guest speakers Paul Webb from H5 Adventure and alumni student, Isabel Ovens.

"Whether it be the perseverance needed to master a new skill, the generosity of spirit required to serve as a volunteer, the energy to persist in a sport or the tenacity to slog it out on an expedition, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award really tests the mettle of young people in a huge variety of ways. The annual Awards Evening is our opportunity to celebrate that achievement." - Mr Jefferies, Headteacher

Find out more about DofE at Bournside, here: DofE at Bournside - Cheltenham Bournside School

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