Our Curriculum

Our new curriculum maps clearly illustrate the learning journey followed by each student during their time at Bournside and are proudly displayed in every classroom and department area in the school. We hope that these maps help to bring the curriculum ‘alive’ for students, teachers, parents and carers alike, and in turn, help our students to improve their learning. 

In the Student Learning Journey booklet you will be able to see where and when the learning takes place on each map, and where topics are developed as student progress through the school. The maps also show where different subjects teach similar topics, and therefore, where students can connect their learning between subjects. As research suggests, if students understand what they are learning and why; as well as how the learning fits into the 'bigger picture', they learn more effectively.

Curriculum Maps 2024/25

English and Mathematics

A significant part of every student’s curriculum lies in both English and Mathematics and we take great pride in the exceptional facilities we are able to offer in these subjects.

Our English block has light, airy, and dynamic classrooms which promote high-quality teaching and learning across all age groups, from 11 to 18. Students excel in English at Bournside and many go on to study an English-based higher education qualification.

Our state-of-the-art maths hub is a £2.4m facility comprising 12 classrooms, each designed around a mathematician or a mathematical concept to enable our students to shine in the subject. 


Literacy is one of the most important skills we can develop in our students. It is vital that students can read, write, speak, and listen in a way that lets them communicate effectively and make sense of the world. Students need to be readers and writers to gain proficiency with technology, develop relationships with others, and confront and solve problems collaboratively.

Every teacher at Bournside is a teacher of literacy in their own subject area, as students need high-level literacy skills to think, explore, organise, learn, and communicate successfully.

We want all of our students to develop a deep love of reading. Research repeatedly shows that reading for pleasure decreases with age, and that the best predictor of future education achievement and life success is reading ability. Therefore, we promote reading as a form of enjoyment and escapism while the reader is young.

At the start of each academic year, students in Year 7 take a paper-based reading test to enable us to assess their reading ability. Each student is given a Bournside reading band and recommended books at the appropriate level. We deliver targeted literacy lessons for those highlighted as needing additional support, overseen by our Literacy Team and SENCO.

Reading homework is a core part of daily learning and students can independently browse our Library for books of interest. All students have a Library Induction and our Librarian is available to help students with choosing books. Tutor-led shared reading takes place twice a week; every Tutor group is allocated a class set of fiction/non-fiction covering a variety of genres and subjects, allowing time to discuss new vocabulary and check understanding.

Recommended reading lists support students with reading at home. Throughout the year, we run numerous literacy events including reading challenges, competitions and more, to inspire reading for pleasure amongst our students.

Beyond the curriculum

At Bournside we encourage all students to try something new. Beyond our classrooms, we offer a rich and varied extra-curricular programme for students to get involved in. You can learn a musical instrument, play a part in one of our many school productions, show off your talents on the sports field, or develop your Cyber skills through an extensive offer of clubs and Cyber Explorer events. There are lots of clubs to join and students can also embark on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme for which we offer all levels: Bronze (Year 9), Silver (Year 10), and Gold (Years 12 and 13).

Extra-curricular timetable

Useful curriculum documents

Please find below our assessment and reporting calendar, along with other useful curriculum documents.

We are ambitiousWe are supportiveWe are curiousWe are purposefulWe are respectfulWe are proud