Careers & Work-related Learning

How do we support our students?

At Bournside we are proud of our Careers offer. We have a well-resourced Careers Hub which provides students with information and access to a fully trained careers advisor and support staff, who are happy to support and talk with students, parents and staff. One-to-one and group work activities take place throughout the year for year 10 - 13 students.

  • Ginny Martin, Careers Leader, brings a wealth of careers-related experience to the main school and our Sixth Form to support you with making informed choices about your future. 

  • Rebecca Mar-Gerrison, Careers Administrator, offers support to the careers function and is the first point of call for student and employer queries. 

  • To contact the Careers Team, please email or call 01242 235555.

The team works to introduce students to all of the possibilities and options available to them beyond Bournside. Our goal is to build knowledge and inspire confidence so individuals can make informed choices about their future, whatever their goal may be. We believe a strong programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance (CEIAG) and Work-Related Learning (WRL) is important in order to:

  • prepare you for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of life
  • support you to achieve your full potential
  • inspire you to plan and manage your own future
  • provide comprehensive information on all of your options
  • raise aspirations
  • promote equality, diversity, social mobility, and challenges stereotypes
  • support you to sustain employability and achieve personal and economic well-being.

How do we do this?

  1. We run a programme of career activities through Years 7-13, with the aim of building your knowledge and understanding of the opportunities available, whether in further education or a work-based training programme.
  2. We apply the Gatsby Benchmarks in all that we do within Careers at Cheltenham Bournside School.
  3. All teachers apply the skills and knowledge for their area, linking curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths, and all subject teachers emphasise the importance of succeeding in English and Maths.
  4. We recognise the importance of you understanding the work environment and the expectations of you as future trainees, students, and employees. We therefore focus on ensuring you recognise the culture, behaviours, and skills sought by employers and universities/colleges to give you the best start at being an effective contributor and fulfilling your potential.
  5. We are committed to maximising the benefits for all students using a whole school approach which involves Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) from qualified Advisors and support from school staff. We also work with employers and other local agencies to support you into your next steps.
  6. We recognise our statutory duties (adhering to the latest Statutory Guidance) and ensure that all students have equity of access to impartial careers advice and guidance.
  7. We aim to prepare you for greater independence and self-reliance by providing support for managing your time, finances, and wellbeing.
  8. We recognise that effective careers guidance contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation, and overcoming barriers to success.

How do we assess the impact of our provision?

The impact of individual interventions is largely assessed via student feedback. We also monitor access and uptake to the interventions offered to different groups of students. The overall effectiveness of the careers programme at Bournside is assessed by undertaking a questionnaire with students – we will use the Careers and Enterprise Future Skills Questionnaire.  We also assess the provision through the use of Compass+ which allows the school to monitor where we are and plan for future events and activities.

Other indicators include:

  • The proportion of students successfully completing a work experience programme
  • The percentage of students who have a Post 16 provision in place by the summer
  • Post 16 and post 18 destination data
  • Post 16 NEET data
  • Progressions towards the Gatsby Benchmarks through Compass+

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:

A stable careers programme

Learning from career and labour market information

Addressing the needs of each pupil

Linking curriculum learning to careers

Encounters with employers and employees

Experiences of workplaces

Encounters with further and higher education

Personal guidance


Click on the expanders below for more information:

Careers is embedded across the curriculum, in individual subjects. We also cover careers through E4L lessons from year 7 to 13, in Tutor Time for all years, in lessons and through specific activities for year groups. This happens throughout the year.

We are proud of our links with local employers, educational institutions, and apprenticeship providers.

We have a weekly Careers Newsletter where opportunities are regularly advertised to students. Every year we hold an annual careers week in the Autumn term with an annual Destination Day for year 12 students in the summer term. Every student takes part in a practise interview in year 11 and a week of work experience in Year 10.

Our main careers platforms are Career Pilot and Unifrog. All students are provided with a log in to Unifrog, which allows them to access careers and subject information, university courses, write their personal statement, write a CV, access current apprenticeships and much more. Students are also able to upload learning through MOOCs and Courses, as well as the Careers Department uploading any interactions, so that all students have access to information relevant to their next steps.

Hello, great to hear from you!

We are so proud of all of our students who have gone on to university, apprenticeships and employment, and we take every opportunity to celebrate your rich and varied career paths and destinations. You'll find stories from just some of our alumni on the website - thank you for keeping in touch!

If you'd like to sign up to give back to the school as part of our Alumni programme we'd love to hear from you.

If you are interested in: 

Please get in touch by emailing

At Bournside, we have cultivated strong and mutually beneficial working relationships with employers that significantly enhance our students' experience of work and their future prospects.

Through ongoing collaboration, local businesses and industry leaders actively participate in our careers programme, offering real world insight and practical skills that align with current market demands. 

This might look like:

We would love to hear from you if you'd like to support our careers programme. Please email or call 01242 235555 ext 1257.

In-school resources

Students and parents/carers have access to a wide range of in-school resources:

Note: You will need to log into a student account to access these.



All pupils in years 8 to 13 are entitled:

  • to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point
  • to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events
  • to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

A provider wishing to request access should contact Ginny Martin, Careers Lead at

Careers and Provider Access Policy

The school offers the six provider encounters required by law and a number of additional events as shown above, integrated into the school careers programme. We will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils or their parents or carers. Please speak to our Careers Leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.



7 and 8

Careers Fair – stand holders available during school day.  Students have worksheet guiding them to various stands.  Students gain an overview of local, regional and national opportunities, sixth form, local colleges, training providers and UTC.

Assemblies given by local employer looking at opportunities in job sector.

Year 9

All students attend a University Visit – taster and talks.

Year 10

Post 16 options assembly with Ask Apprenticeship.

Year 11

Assembly with local employer looking at opportunities in job sector.

Year 12 and 13

Visit to National Apprenticeship Fair and UCAS Convention.

Assembly on FE/HE and Post 18 Assembly with Ask Apprenticeship.


Useful websites

How can pupils, staff and parents find out more?

The careers department have created a comprehensive list of web resources to support the delivery of careers across the school:

The main government area on apprenticeships. Gives information, allows you to sign up for news about apprenticeships, gives stories and advice – to find an apprenticeship

Apprenticeship Guide

Lots of information about apprenticeships and how to apply for them. You can search via industry sector, school subjects, or skills and interests.

Information on higher and degree apprenticeships

Get My First Job

Looking at finding apprenticeships and traineeships for school leavers at 16 plus or 18 plus.

GetMyFirstJob | Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships, Work Experience & Graduate Jobs

South West Apprenticeship Company

The SWAC recruit apprentices for businesses in the South West. Search for local apprenticeships.

The South West Apprenticeship Company (SWAC) - The South West Apprenticeship Company (SWAC) (

Gloucestershire College

Gloucestershire College apprenticeships and current vacancies.

Apprenticeships | Becoming an Apprentice | Gloucestershire College (

Rate My Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships, Jobs, Reviews & Careers Advice for School & College Leavers.

Find Apprenticeships | RateMyApprenticeship

Student Ladder

Student Ladder has Apprenticeships, school leaver programmes, work experience opportunities by school year.

Home | Student Ladder

Not Going to Uni

Not Going to Uni has Apprenticeships, school leaver programmes, education and training for students seeking an alternative to going to university.

Home | NGTU (

Find an Apprenticeship

Official Government website.

Find an apprenticeship - GOV.UK (


SGS Stroud

Apprenticeship vacancies.

Cirencester College

Apprenticeship vacancies.

 Current Apprenticeship Vacancies – Cirencester College

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS

Largest employer in the county, offering a wide range of apprenticeships from business, administration, carpentry, electrician to childcare and much more.

Apprenticeships (


Apprenticeship vacancies.

Apprentice Jobs in Gloucestershire (



A gap year is not a year off. It’s a way to develop yourself and your skills before taking the next step in your education or career.

A gap year can make a big statement about you as a person and can help you get into certain careers.

Benefits of taking a gap year

A gap year can give you an advantage when you apply for jobs or courses.

Some of the advantages include the opportunity to:

  • think about your career plans
  • travel and experience other cultures
  • earn money to support yourself in future study
  • improve your CV by doing work experience
  • get skills you cannot learn in a classroom
  • become more mature, focussed and motivated


National Careers Service -  Gap year advice | National Careers Service

EDT Placements - Offering young people the opportunity to gain professional development by working in industry - Placements (age 17 & over) | EDT (

Projects Abroad They organise life-changing volunteer projects and internships in the developing world. There is a fee - Volunteer Abroad & Internship Programs | Projects Abroad UK (

Pod Volunteer Inspiring and supported volunteering opportunities around the world -  Volunteer Abroad | Pod Volunteer

Year Out Group This site is an portal site and for leading year out companies and has some good advice and range of opportunities - Gap year travel - Approved gap year providers - Gap year advice (

NHS Volunteering NHS England » Volunteering

Charity Jobs Charity Volunteer Jobs - Volunteering Jobs Near Me | CharityJob

Volunteering Gloucestershire - Over 700 volunteering opportunities from over 200 organisations there is something for everyone! - Volunteering Gloucestershire - Introduction (



Moneysaving Expert: Good information for financial advice and tips on saving money, credit, bank accounts and loans.

Student Finance: Government Advice on borrowing money to help pay for university or college tuition fees and to help with living costs.

Student Loans Company: The SLC administers your loan and you can find out about repayments here.

University Clinical Aptitude Test: Information and practice online test for medicine and dentistry.

LNAT: Online practice tests for Law.

Disability Rights UK: Provides a wide range of services concerning disabled accessibility including apprenticeships.

Labour Market Information: As well as Unifrog and the Careerometer/Skillsometer, there are a number of other sites that will help you look at Future Employment trends.

National Careers Service: This site has a list of job profiles and a skills health check. You can contact the service to arrange a face to face careers appointment if you are 19 years and older. There is a telephone advice service for anyone under 19.

Prospects: Helpful job role descriptions including salary, types of employers and opportunities. Try doing the assessment 'what job would suit me'. You are able to look under careers advice for degree subjects and what jobs they can progress to.

SACU: Careers website, which contains a visual online quiz to help you choose a higher education course and career. Creates your own personalised higher education cloud and career cloud.

LM Future Trends (Warwick University): Institute for Employment Research – LMI Future Trends.

Save the Student: Provide a range of advice around various topics, including an annually-updated guide to student finance. They also have many more student resources here.

We're here to support parents and carers too! Below you'll find a series of a useful websites and resources. If you have any questions on how to best support your child, please email

Support for parents and guardians (

Parental Guidance

A really good website for parents produced by the Careers Writers Association. Looks at applications, HE advice, LMI, making choices and more. 

Parental Guidance from The Careers Writers Association - Home


UCAS advice on helping your child through the University Process.

Advice for parents, guardians and carers | Undergraduate, Conservatoires, Apprenticeships, 16-18 Choices | UCAS

Youth Employment UK

Advice for students and parents, plus free careers guides. 

Careers Advice and Help - Youth Employment UK

Talking Futures

Set up by the Gatsby Foundation, a parents' toolkit for talking to their children about their futures

Parents Advice for Career Conversations - Talking Futures

The Parent Perspective from Amazing Apprenticeships

A podcast series for parents and carers, helping them to support their children with careers advice and guidance. 

The Parent Perspective Podcast - Amazing Apprenticeships

The Uniguide

A useful website for students and parents.

Find and Compare the Best University & Degree Courses – The Uni Guide


Further exploring careers


Looks at careers and where a degree or degree apprenticeship may take you when you finish.

Gloucestershire Careers Portal

Career Coach helps you find out which jobs and careers suit you, with information about jobs that are available to apply for now in Gloucestershire.


Films of real people doing real jobs.

BBC bitesize careers

Whether you're deciding what to study, planning your future career or just curious about the world of work, we're here to help with advice from experts and from young people who've found a path that suits them. Really good links to subjects and careers.


A comprehensive site with information on careers, writing a CV and much more.

 National Careers Service

Provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.

Produce a CV, look at job profiles, explore what jobs might suit you and find courses.

Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service


A local site for searching for jobs and apprenticeships in Gloucestershire.

If you look on the Part-Time and Temps section the site includes work for students and volunteering.

Gloucestershire Jobs (


This site is used by businesses and local companies to advertise job vacancies and allows candidates to apply through the site.

A little difficult to navigate at times.

Job Search | Indeed


Job vacancies and good advice about CV writing and making applications.

Monster Jobs: Jobsite & Local job search | Find a Job today


E4S has Part time jobs, internships and work experience for students.

Student Jobs, Part Time Jobs, Temporary Jobs, Internships & Summer Jobs - E4S


Outlines a lot of choices on where to go from 14+, 16+ and 18+ in South West.

Including quizzes, activities, subject searches and exploration of careers and jobs.

Careerpilot : Plan your future work & study


Careers website, which contains a visual online quiz to help you choose a higher education course and career.

Creates your own personalised higher education cloud and career cloud.

Career Quiz helping you find the right career, degree or apprenticeship (

Success at School

Success at School is very good for exploring career paths/subjects, and how they link to different jobs, employer opportunities and general careers advice.

Success at School


Useful for videos and articles about careers.

Go to the buzz test to see the type of careers you are suited to.

Explore careers - icould




Explains the options and choices available to you Post 16 including Sixth Form, College and Apprenticeship. Also includes which courses may help you out in future careers.

A good site to look at what a particular degree could lead to – useful when thinking about what A levels to take and also what you might need to study at university.

Helping school leavers get jobs and understand the career paths available to them.

Find everything from current apprenticeships and school leaver programme opportunities, to the latest school leaver job news, and advice.

The Russell Group’s guide Informed Choices provides students with information, advice and guidance about their post-16 subject choices


Post 18 Resources


Information and advice on courses for university, alternatives to university, finance, as well as applying for courses and much more.

Applying to University - learn about everything involved (



Site looking at undergraduate and post-graduate choices, plus lots of information on job advice, job sectors and work experience. Short but really good test for A level students looking at options.

Explore your career options and see where your chosen degree could take you.

Open Days - university and college open days - home page

Guardian League Table 2024

The Guardian University Guide 2024 – the rankings | University guide | The Guardian

The Times UK University Rankings

UK university rankings 2024 | The Times league table | The Times and The Sunday Times

High Fliers

Information on Graduate jobs, particularly looking at top employers and careers.

High Fliers

The Student Room Uni Guide

See where your A-level choices will take you.

Which Degree Courses Do Your A-Levels Suit? - The Uni Guide


Search and compare undergraduate courses in the UK.

Discover Uni Home | Discover Uni

Scholarship Hub

Search and apply for UK scholarships, grants or bursaries for university. 

Helping you find UK scholarships | The Scholarship Hub

The Complete University Guide

Independent UK university rankings, course information and expert advice for every student.

Complete University Guide - University Rankings, Guides and Courses (

QS Top Universities

Worldwide rankings, courses and where to study.

QS World University Rankings, Events & Careers Advice | Top Universities


European application service, course listings and where to study.

Study in Europe | European Universities Information | EUNICAS

The Student World

Worldwide advice, institutions and events.

A Star Future

Advice, course listings, worldwide.

Fulbright Commission

Dedicated site about studying in the USA including step-by-step guidance on what you need to do. 

Work experience has a key role to play in preparing students for the world of work. It is a great opportunity to gain first-hand experience of different careers and to further develop your skills and self-confidence within a working environment. 

We have a fantastic working relationship with many local and regional businesses that host students from Bournside school in Year 10 and 12 each year, however, we strongly encourage students to be proactive in finding a work experience placement as early as possible.

In-person placements 2024 

Year 10 Work Experience (WEX), 22 - 26th April, 2024

Year 12 Work Experience (WEX), 8 - 12th July, 2024

Please note: Students are responsible for finding their own placements and will be briefed on this in school. If they would like assistance with this, please send an email to or pop into the Careers Hub.


Online Work Placements by Subject and Projects

Architecture  Halliday Fraser MunroAn online work experience programme for those interested in architecture and design.
Business/Marketing/Finance Hunter Bevan - A remote virtual work experience with a twist. Suitable for anyone interested in developing their design or marketing skills. Feedback will be given plus a chance to feature on Hunter Bevan’s website.


InsideSherpa - A website which offers virtual work experience placements from a range of companies, from banking to careers in tech. Most options last up to six hours and involve tutorials, videos and activities.


Investment 2020 - Resources for young people interested in a career in finance.
Journalism National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ)An online summer school, designed to provide an introduction to journalism for beginners. A range of topics is covered, including news gathering, interviewing skills, media law, sports journalism and broadcasting.
Law White and CaseThe White and Case virtual work experience programme is free to access for all learners and is suitable for school students, undergraduates and postgraduates from any degree discipline. This programme does not require an application and is self-paced, taking roughly 5-6 hours to complete.


Jacksons Law FirmJacksons specialise in two areas of law: Private Client and Property. To support students, Jacksons have created a series of questionnaires split into three tiers. Tier one is suitable for all learners, tiers two and three are aimed at university students. After submission of these questionnaires, the best entry each week will have the opportunity to have a practice interview with one of the staff members at Jacksons.


The Lawyer PortalA list of law firms offering virtual work experience.


Virtual Careers Fair in LawVideos and links to law firms. 
Medical Brighton & Sussex Medical SchoolThis virtual work experience course is for learners looking to apply to medical school. During this course learners will be introduced to the NHS and then given the opportunity to explore the roles and skill sets of six different medical specialists.


Observe GPObserve GP is an initiative which was set up by the Royal College of General Practitioners which is a professional body within the UK for GPs. Observe GP is a free system that was created for the purpose of giving every medical applicant a fair chance at gaining work experience.


NHS VR ExperienceA virtual reality experience of a day in the life of a healthcare professional working in the NHS.
STEM Cyber DiscoveryA chance to learn from industry experts and take part in over 200 free cyber security challenges.


National Cyber Security CentreA website dedicated to helping the UK’s next generation of cyber professionals through a variety of free courses for 11–17-year-olds and exciting competitions.


STEM Sessions - A careers podcast for teachers and young people’s influencers with a spotlight on STEM careers in the UK each episode showcases real people that work in STEM and also volunteer in schools to inspire and inform young people.


Mullany FundA day in the life of chosen professionals in Medicine – GP, Nurse, Veterinary, research Scientist, Marine Biologists, Forensic Science.
Online Courses to boost your CV/Personal Statement  Open LearnDive in and start learning.  Everything on the multi-award winning Open Learn is free to everyone!


AlisonOnline free Courses.
Paid Placements InvestIn - Aimed at students between 14 and 18 years old, InvestIn offers an impressive array of virtual work placements involving real life work and contact with professionals. This is a paid service, and placements range from one day to one week. Prices start from £90.


Operation WallaceaA range of week-long internships with live online mentoring, a daily schedule, regular deadlines and constant contact with managing staff. Prices start from £100 for 5 days and run throughout August and September.


Premed Projects Live TVSuitable for students aged 14-19 and interested in Biology, Science, healthcare and / or for those considering careers in medicine. Watch live videos within the operating theatre, download exam linked worksheets, watch interviews with healthcare professionals and receive tips and advice on applications to medicine. This is a paid service (monthly subscriptions start from £12.99).

Videos and General Careers Research

NHS CareersOffers a careers planner questionnaire and a jobs match service to inspire student’s info on virtual work experience opportunities and lists some of the companies able to provide it guide for students on the dos and don’ts of the application processes.


icouldUses the power of personal stories to inform and inspire young people’s career choices. It features over 1000 videos of real people talking about their careers.


Career Pilot - Careers information and tools for 11- to 19-year-olds, all in one place.


The Nine to Five with Stacey Dooley - Stacey takes five 16- to 18-year-olds into industries crying out for young workers to give them the ultimate work experience


Rhod Gilbert's Work ExperienceRhod tries out different work experience opportunities in Wales.


I can be a... Virtual ToursTake a virtual tour around BT, Ipswich Building Society, Ipswich Town Football Club, Moragn Sindall Construction, Suffolk County Council to get an idea of what it’s like to work in these industries.


All About CareersCareers advice and support for young people:


FutureLearn Careers AdviceCareer advice and free online courses from some of the world’s top universities and organisations.


Careers BoxDay in the life of different careers.

Other Useful Platforms

Working in Parliament sessions


Stemmettes Online sessions


PWC Virtual Career Events


Founders 4 Schools


Job sectors

It is important that your study programme is right for you so that you leave Sixth Form with the qualifications, knowledge, skills and personal qualities you need to enjoy a successful future. Use the Job Sectors below to search for jobs, qualifications, and Labour Market Information (LMI).

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