School Nursing Team

Our School Nurses are registered nurses or midwives who support children and young people with emotional and mental health issues, relationships and sexual health, bladder and bowel issues, lifestyle health and family worries.

We aim to improve health outcomes for families, prevent ill health and protect children from harm through a professional, visible, accessible and confidential service.

Each week we have a drop-in service for pupils in our welfare hub. No appointment is necessary

KS3 pupils (Year 7-9) Wednesday, 12:05 - 12:30pm
KS4 pupils (Year 10-12) Wednesday 1:05 - 1:30pm

School nurses play a vital role in child development, carrying out immunisation and screening programmes and act as a point of contact for managing medical conditions such as allergies and anaphylaxis, asthma and epilepsy in schools.

They provide support and advice on a range of health issues such as emotional health, obesity, sexual health, smoking and substance misuse. They work with schools and other organisations to reduce health inequality and ensure that every child and young person has the best start in life.

They work closely with social care providers to help keep children and young people safe from harm. Where harm is already known about or suspected, the school nurse teams work with a range of other professionals to support the child and family to make changes to their lifestyle or care of the child through formal plans of care.                

Support for parents/carers: Useful information > Glos Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust (


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