Education 4 Life (E4L)

Education 4 Life

The ethos for Education 4 Life lessons at Cheltenham Bournside School is to support students to become safe, happy, confident and informed young people, and to help them make educated choices both now and in the future.

Students receive one lesson a fortnight and the lessons follow the PSHE Association spiral curriculum. Aspects of our E4L programme are also embedded within the tutorial programme and year group and House assemblies. We use recommended accredited lessons, as well as welcoming a wide range of external speakers into the school. These include Gloucestershire Constabulary school beat officers, Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue - SkillZone, Fearless (Knife Crime), Alter Ego Theatre Company – Chelsea’s Choice and County Lines, the Holly Gazzard Trust, Oddballs and Coppafeel.

As part of the curriculum, we provide many opportunities to develop each child’s personal development, focusing on aspects such as friendships, personal awareness and safety in the community. These are delivered as stand-alone sessions, beyond the classroom, both in and out of school, where appropriate.

Sample E4L lessons - Term 2 & 3

  Area of curriculum Topics Key Questions may include External Speakers
Year 7 1.Health & Wellbeing 

2.Building relationships
Emotional regulation

Self care and compassion

Building relationships

Being resilient

Basic first aid and personal safety
What is self care?

How can we look after our mental and physical self?

How can we be resilient?

How can we stay safe?

What can we do to help someone who is injured?
Year 8 1.Health & Wellbeing

2. Relationships- Discrimination

3. Living in the wider world community
Drugs: Medicinal, recreational

Energy drinks: caffeine 


Smoking and Vaping
What is a drug?

How do we manage the influences and risks around caffeine? 

What can we learn about the risks and consequences of alcohol use?

What influences me? 

What options do I have for me future? 
Year 9 1. Relationships

2. Living on the wider world - Setting goals and employability skills
Family life
'It's not Love'

What are the different types of long-term relationships and how can they become legally binding?

How can we access support for careers education? 

Year 10 1. Living in the wider world - Financial decision making

2. Health & Wellbeing - Exploring influence
Risk taking


Identity theft

Substance misuse
How would you make good decisions in risky situations, particularly in regards to gambling? 

How can we stay safe on line?

What is a drug? 
Young Gloucestershire
Year 11 1. Health and Wellbeing - 
Building for the future

2. Relationships - Communication
Effective exam revision
Writing a CV

Unhealthy relationships

Exploitative and abuse relationships

Gender identity and sexual orientation
How do I write a CV and why is it important? 

What do you value in a relationship?

What constitutes a healthy, intimate relationship?  














We are supportiveWe are proudWe are curiousWe are ambitiousWe are purposefulWe are respectful