
Hello everyone. This is an exciting time for our Year 9 students who for the first time have the opportunity to chose some of the subjects they study.

This is such an important time for them, together with you, to make sure that they make the right, aspirational choices for themselves to give them the best opportunities for their futures - whether that is in employment, at university and/or on an apprenticeship.

We hope that you find the Options Guide below useful in helping to decide which four options to choose to study at GCSE, alongside the core subjects that all students will study.

I personally look forward to talking to students in assembly about their options and to meeting parents/carers at our upcoming Information Evening - both in January - see Key Dates below! At both of these events, I will explain all aspects of the process and how we as a school, will be supporting students all the way through this process.

Miss Hanley, Deputy Headteacher

Key dates:
Tues 7th January Student assembly (during tutor time).
Weds 8th January Mini Options Fayre - find out about new subjects at KS4 (Sixth Form Courtyard, 4.30 - 6.15pm).

Information evening for parents/carers (Main Hall, 6.30pm).
Thurs 9th January GCSE Options site will go live and key information emailed to parents/carers. Subject teachers will tell students about options in their subjects in lessons.
Fri 31st January 9R2 Report published.
Tues 4th February Year 9 Parent Teacher Consultation Evening. Mrs Martin, Careers Leader and Miss Hanley, Deputy Headteacher will also be available for options discussions.

Unique login details for the Options Choices form emailed to parents/carers.
Fri 7th February Online Option Choices form opens.
Mon 24th February Options Form deadline; all forms to be submitted by 8.00am.

Considering future careers

Before you start making your choices it’s a good idea to start thinking about possible careers you might like to pursue and consider all the option subjects.

If you head to the 'Careers' section of our website, you can find out where to get help and guidance about option subjects required for particular career pathways.

We are curiousWe are respectfulWe are proudWe are ambitiousWe are purposefulWe are supportive