Communicating With You

Working together

We recognise that a happy relationship between home and school is based on mutual trust. Good communication is at the heart of a successful relationship and we aim to achieve this in many ways. We will contact you to raise concerns, celebrate achievements, set targets for improvement, and to recognise progress.

Our weekly Parent Bulletin is emailed to you every Friday to keep you up-to-date with school news and events. You will also receive letters relating to individual year groups, student groups and trips and activities.

We encourage you to contact us too. Please see Contacting Staff for details on how to contact staff directly with any queries you may have relating to your child's academic progress or welfare. During school holidays, we request that queries are emailed to with 'FAO:' followed by the member of staff's name in the subject line.

Our Parents’ Evenings (known as Parent Teacher Conferences/PTCs) enable you to meet individual subject teachers online to discuss your child’s progress and you will also receive academic progress reports throughout the year. 

Useful apps

MyChildatSchool (MCAS) is our parent portal app, which allows parents and guardians to report absences, credit their child’s dining centre account and make online payments for school trips, tickets and items. Further details, including Parent User Guides, can be found here.

Class Charts provides you with information about your child’s achievements and behaviour incidents, as well as attendance statistics, and detention notifications. You can download the app on your mobile phone. Upon joining Bournside you will be emailed a unique access code to enter at the registration stage.

We use SOCS to communicate details of our extensive clubs offer and sporting fixtures.

Technical support

For assistance with any of our communication systems, please contact IT Services at



We are supportiveWe are ambitiousWe are curiousWe are proudWe are purposefulWe are respectful