Year 7 music evening

09 Nov

We were delighted to once again showcase the musical talent of over 50 Year 7 students in our first music performance of the year, the Year 7 music evening. Performing in the main hall to a full audience of family and friends, the students showcased what they have been learning during their first term at Cheltenham Bournside School. 

All year 7 students were invited to take part and all instruments were welcome. The exciting programme included duets and choral renditions of the six House songs, first introduced during transition week, as well as wonderful piano, clarinet and tap-dancing solos. 

Mr Cutress, Head of Music said, “It was a delight to host our music event of the year, and our Year 7 students put on an incredible performance. After just one term of music lessons and house choir they have been able to come together and perform with skill and passion.” 

“It was a joy to behold such a variety of different performances, ranging from our debut tap dancer, and a rousing solo clarinet rendition of 'Glory to Hong Kong', to a fabulous vocal performance of Laufey's 'Valentine'. Year 7 should be incredibly proud of themselves, they have a bright musical future ahead of them – which starts with next month’s Christmas Concert!" 

We had lovely feedback from parents too, including the emails below: 

‘Thank you for a very talented year 7 music evening, we thoroughly enjoyed it. It is always nice to share these moments with our children, all the work involved by all is much appreciated.’ 

‘It was quite amazing how you all managed to arrange the music evening in such a short amount of time. Our children are lucky to have such dedicated teachers! Such a lovely introduction to Bournside for me and I'm sure many other parents too.  Such a talented bunch of children, I enjoyed every minute of it.’ 

‘Thank you so much once again for all your hard work and commitment, not just this evening, but day in and day out.’ 

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