Proposed Admission Arrangements for entry in September 2026
26 Nov
In line with legal requirements set out in the School Admission Code 2021, we are consulting on changes to our Sixth Form admissions arrangements for September 2026 Entry.
The main changes to the admission arrangements are detailed below:
Each year we will admit a maximum of 200 students to our sixth form with 180 places reserved for students of Bournside School and 20 places reserved for students from other institutions
In the event of oversubscription, in the sixth form, priority will be given to looked after children and previously looked after children who meet the academic entry criteria. All other students will be admitted in order of academic ability defined as average GCSE (or equivalent) points score
The consultation will be held between Tuesday 26th November 2024 and Tuesday 7th January 2025. Responses and feedback on the proposed changes must be received by 9.00am on Tuesday 7th December 2024 and should be sent by post or email to the addresses detailed below:
Admissions Office
Cheltenham Bournside School
Warden Hill Road
GL51 3EF
A copy of the proposed Admissions Policy for 2026/27 can be found here: Admissions-Policy-DRAFT-for-consultation-Nov-24.pdf