Pupil welfare and academic achievement is at the heart of Cheltenham Bournside School community, says Ofsted

The team at Cheltenham Bournside School have been celebrating the result of their recent Ofsted inspection which has recognised the school as ‘Good’ in all areas. 

Ofsted are the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills in the United Kingdom and the full inspection came two years after Mr Jefferies joined the school as headteacher in September 2020.  

The assessed areas of quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development; leadership and management and sixth form provision were each graded as ‘Good’. 

The report highlights that “leaders put the welfare of pupils, as well as academic achievement, at the heart of everything they do” and that the “headteacher has very high expectations of the school”. It goes on to confirm that happily, “pupils enjoy school” and that there is a “strong sense of community for both staff and pupils”.  

Under the quality of education, it notes that “the school curriculum is ambitious” and provides “a broad education platform from which pupils can excel in subjects and aspects of their wider, cultural needs.” “Pupils are ready for learning and engage well with teachers and other adults” within a “harmonious school”. 

The school’s popular Sixth Form was praised for retaining a significant number of students from the main school and for preparing students well for sixth form study with “valuable reading material”, “helpful transition units” and an “inclusive environment”.   

Headteacher, Steve Jefferies, said, “This was a rigorous ‘graded’ inspection in which a large team of inspectors scrutinised all aspects of the school and therefore I am delighted that they have recognised the ambition, dedication, and professionalism of our team. 

“I am really proud of our staff and our students: together we have built a strong community serving our local area, in which young people can flourish, develop their talents and be inspired to achieve their very best.” 

Chair of Governors, Susie Dawson added: “This is well-deserved recognition of what a wonderful school Bournside is, and reflects the commitment shown by our headteacher Steve Jefferies as he leads our school from strength to strength. 

I would like to thank all the students, parents, staff and my fellow governors for their continued support and dedication to the school.

Read the full report on our website: Ofsted - Cheltenham Bournside School 

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