SAVE THE DATE: Careers Fair 2023

Bournside Careers Fair, 2023

Thursday 9th November, 4pm - 7pm, Bournside Sports Centre

With more than 50 exhibitors already confirmed, this year's Bournside Careers Fair is set to be the most inspiring and informative to-date. 

For the first time, students in all year groups will have the opportunity to visit the Careers Fair stalls to explore their future education and employment options and to access independent advice and guidance.

To manage capacity, year groups are being invited in waves:

Years 11, 12 and 13
Invited to arrive between 4.00pm and 5.30pm.
Years 9 and 10
Invited to arrive between 5.00pm and 6.30pm.
Years 7 and 8
All students in Year 7 and 8 will visit the Careers Fair during the school day.

The Careers Fair offers a valuable opportunity for students and their families to meet universities and employers face-to-face and to hear from speakers on a number of topics.

Ms Heppleston, Careers Leader, said "The Careers Fair provides our students with the chance to meet representatives from a wide range of universities and employers, learn about the courses and future job opportunities available, and gain confidence in making a great first impression and building positive professional relationships."

"Thank you to all of the organisations who are giving up their time to exhibit, I'm sure their time will be well spent with our bright, curious and ambitious students."

If you are an employer who would like to exhibit at the upcoming Cheltenham Bournside School Careers Fair, please contact Ms Heppleston as soon as possible.

Careers Fair Speakers

Please note: Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Applying to Russell Group Universities 4.30pm University of Sheffield  - Speaker TBC
Apprenticeships - Everything you need to know 4.30pm ASK apprenticeships - Speaker TBC
Student Finance 5.15pm Bangor University - Speaker TBC
Which Way Now? 5.15pm Cheltenham Bournside School + Cirencester College
GCSEs and Beyond  6.15pm University of Gloucestershire
Apprenticeships 6.15pm TBC

Exhibitor List

Confirmed employers:
Confirmed Universities:
Confirmed Colleges, Training Providers and Support Services:
We are purposefulWe are curiousWe are respectfulWe are proudWe are ambitiousWe are supportive