A Level students celebrate fantastic results and new destinations at Cheltenham Bournside School
17 Aug

Students and staff at Cheltenham Bournside Sixth Form are celebrating the outstanding achievements and destinations of their Sixth Form students today.
Steve Jefferies, Headteacher said, “These results reflect the hard work, determination and resilience of our students. These are the students, remember, who started sixth form having never sat public exams and having endured the disruption Covid caused to teaching and learning. As can be seen by today’s results these students, their teachers and the school’s support staff have worked tirelessly.
“I’d like to congratulate all of our students but some deserve special mention: Niamh Abbot is also celebrating A* grades in three subjects and an A in a fourth; she will soon be starting at the University of Nottingham to study Education. Suzanne Rogers gained 3 A*s and is off to the University of Warwick to study Biomedical Science. Matthew Haines achieved four A Levels at A* or A grade and is going to study Economics and Politics and the University of Exeter. Molly Leeson, Daniel Abbey, Thomas Agombar, Tobi Watkins, Edie Bickerdike, Thea Killacky Wheeler, and Abigail Cooke all achieved three A Levels at grade A or better with a fourth at grade B.
“In total, 16% of our students gained an average grade of an A and an amazing 73% gained an average grade of C or higher. 99% of our university applicants have secured their place. Congratulations!”
Mr Warren, Head of Sixth Form said; “My heartfelt congratulations goes to our hard-working, talented students. I am delighted to see students gaining university and higher apprenticeships places today to study a wide range of subjects ranging from accounting, design, economics, English and geology, to law, midwifery, modern languages, sociology and psychology. Well done!”
Suzanne, from Hatherley achieved 3 A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Geography. Her next step in studying Biomedical Science at the University of Warwick which focuses on understanding the biological basis of human health and disease.
“I was hoping to achieve good results, but I wasn’t expecting to get 3 A*s. I feel very overwhelmed but excited about going to university.”
“I started to really enjoy science at GCSE level and that led to me focusing on science at A Level: Biology in particular. I chose Warwick University because I really liked the campus feel and it has great facilities in the School of Life Sciences. I chose Biomedical Science because it can open the door to lots of different future roles.”
“My teachers at Bournside have been great. They are passionate and informative about their subjects and super supportive – I couldn’t have asked for more. I’ve been really lucky with all of my teachers here.”
Niamh, from Hatherley, achieved 2 A*s and an A in Business, Geography and English Language and Literature. Niamh will now study for an Education BA at the University of Nottingham.
“I’m very happy with my results. I’ve loved all of my A Level courses. I’m going to be studying Education at the University of Nottingham with the intention of becoming a primary school teacher in the future. I chose Nottingham because I really liked the city and the course which explores a wide variety of educational practices and ideas.”
“The highlight of studying at Bournside Sixth Form for me was the connection with the teachers - they offered us so much support - especially Mr Penny and Mr Warren in Geography. I was so scared about sitting my A Levels but we had extra revision sessions and I’m pleased with the outcome! I’ve loved being with my friends at Sixth Form too.”
Daisy, from Leckhampton, achieved an A and 2 Bs in Music, English Language and Literature and Drama. Daisy had already been successful in securing a highly sought-after place on the Actor Musician BA course at Leeds Conservatoire. The programme offers rigorous training for actors and instrumentalists who want to tell stories on stage.
“I’m really happy with my results and I cannot wait to get started in Leeds. I was lucky to secure a place at Leeds Conservatoire after auditioning – it was my first choice. The building is so nice with huge windows in the rehearsal room. It felt really welcoming.”
“I’ve had so much support from the music department at Bournside, both in my lessons and extra-curricular too. Playing the lead in Sister Act this year was definitely a highlight! It really helps with confidence and has built upon the roles I have taken on with Theatre Studio at the Playhouse Theatre and the CODS (Cheltenham Operatic and Drama Society) too.”
Tom, from Leckhampton, achieved 3 As in Chemistry, Physics and Maths securing a place to study Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield in 2024, following a gap year.
“I’m really happy with my results – I didn’t expect to get an A in maths! I’ve really liked studying science at Bournside. The teachers are enthusiastic, they have so much knowledge and they’re also good fun! I joined the Physics trip to CERN in Switzerland last year, which was amazing.
“After my gap year I’m planning to study Mechanical Engineering. I like the problem-solving aspects and the practical application of science.”
Jameala from Gloucester achieved 2 Bs in Business and Psychology and a C in Fine Art, securing a place to study Psychology BSc at the University of Gloucestershire.
“I’m really pleased with my results today. I joined Bournside in Year 11, moving over from Barnwood Park for Sixth Form. I liked the range of subjects available to me to explore. The teachers here have been really good, offering excellent resources and letting us know how to get extra help.”
“The Psychology course at the University of Gloucestershire was recommended to me so I went to go and look around. I like how in Psychology how you can find out about what causes different behaviours in society and why people do the things they do. I’m not 100% sure what I would like to do in the future, but I would to do something that help others.”
Thea achieved two As in English Literature and History and a B in Fine Art. Thea is joining Stroud and South Gloucestershire College in September to complete a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design.
“I’m really happy. These results were unexpected. I think the Sixth Form is really good, I like how close everyone is. All my teachers have been great, my favourite was Mrs O’Dwyer in English. She’s very kind and takes your opinion seriously. I’m sad that this is the last time we’ll all be together at Bournside.”
“Next year I’ll be studying for a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design at SGS College. After that I hope to study a Fine Art degree at Bath Spa University.”
Freya achieved an A* in Graphic Communication, an A in History and a B in Geography, securing her place to study Graphic Design at the University of Gloucestershire at Park Campus.
“I’m pleased with my results and excited to go to the University of Gloucestershire. I really enjoyed GCSE Art and Design at Bournside and studying Graphic Communication at A Level cemented me taking that forward at University.”
“I’ve had lots of opportunities and support at Bournside, including designing the large-scale artwork for the recent collaboration with the Cheltenham Paint Festival. I wanted to stay local so I could stay with family, but I also chose the University of Gloucestershire because they have strong links with the creative industries for future employment.”
Amy, from Leckhampton, achieved two Bs in Business Studies and History, securing an offer to study History at Bath Spa University.
“I’m really pleased to have been offered a place to study at Bath Spa University. I would recommend Bournside – there’s lots of club and extra-curricular options, the teachers are all amazing, there’s a strong community and it’s really inclusive."
Laura, from The Reddings, achieved an A* in French and a 2 Bs in Geography and English Language and Literature. Laura is going on to study Modern Languages (French and German) at the University of Warwick which includes spending a year studying or working abroad.
“I’m so pleased! I’ve loved Bournside and have tried to take advantage of all of the [many] opportunities available, including completing the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.
“I’m going to the University of Warwick to study Modern Languages in September. I’m not sure what’s next after that but hopefully the course opens a lot of doors. I liked the vibe of the campus and felt like I’ll fit in there.
“The Modern Foreign Languages team here has been great. In particular, Madame Bonsor, our French Language Assistant. Madame Bonsor has been really good at pushing us in 1-1 sessions, providing lots of positive challenge.”
Naifa from Gloucester, a former Barnwood Park School student, achieved 2 Cs in History and Politics and an E in Psychology. Naifa is going on to study Law at the University of Worcester.
“I’m pleased with my results because they secured my place at the University of Worcester to study Law. I’ve enjoyed my time at Bournside. I joined in Year 12 from Barnwood Park School, and from not knowing a lot about the school I became the Senior House Captain for Rowling in Year 13 which gave me a lot of confidence. A highlight was working on my Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) with Mr Warren, exploring discrimination in British football - we had some great chatst!”
“I chose Worcester because I felt it had a small close-knit community. I’ve been in regular contact with the team there and I’m looking forward to getting started.”
Naifa’s mum, Mrs Cabdalla, agreed Bournside has been a good choice; “Naifa has done well. I’m very proud of her.”
Alwyne, from Warden Hill, achieved 2 As and a B in Business, Economics and Maths. Having achieved such fantastic results, Alwyne is reconsidering his next steps and would like to study Economics at the University of Exeter following a gap year where he will work and travel.
“I’ve really enjoyed Bournside Sixth Form. We’ve received a lot of support. I think I owe Mr Mumford a drink for staying on so late for our revision sessions. The mock exams really helped us to prepare. I was pleased to be selected as Senior House Captain for Hawking House during Year 13 as well. Younger pupils would come and find me to say hello and ask questions – it was nice to be a role model for them and to get the chance to speak during House Assemblies.”